El Mirage
Community Action Guide
In 2016, the community embarked on a planning process to develop a community plan. Two public workshops were held on November 30, 2016 and January 25, 2017. These workshops, open to any El Mirage resident, business, or property owner addressed strengths and weaknesses of the community, the community’s values, and what El Mirage aspires to be in the future. Workshop participants brainstormed areas of focus and actions to help the community move forward to achieve its aspirations.
This Community Action Guide is a framework of actions identified by the community and supports implementation of the actions by the community.
Our Community
Learn about who we are, our values, and more.
Go to Our Community -
Our Aspirations
Learn about our aspirations for the future of the community.
Go to Our Aspirations -
Action Plans
See the actions we'd like to take to realize our aspirations.
Go to Action Guide
The residents of El Mirage value the benefits that come with the rural lifestyle that their community offers, including affordability, the opportunity to keep and raise livestock, and the ability to engage in agricultural practices. El Mirage strives to build upon past community events, such as parades and fairs, that help to foster a sense of pride amongst the residents. Residents look to accomplish this with help from the expanded El Mirage Municipal Advisory Council (MAC), and use of the community center community park.
Community workshops were conducted in each community as part of the engagement process. In addition, input was gathered through the Countywide Plan website. As part of the process, participants defined the strengths of and opportunities for their community. The word cloud was created using the input provided during the Strengths, Opportunities, Values and Aspirations exercises and served as part of the base information utilized to develop the Focus and Action Statements of the Community Action Guide. The word cloud quickly informed participants of key issues and focus areas that could be addressed in the guide. The more a word or phrase was articulated, the larger the word appears in the cloud. The full results of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats gathered as a part of the engagement process is found in the Community Profile.
The Values are those shared assets, principles, standards, mores, and in the judgment of the community, what is important in the lives of its residents and businesses. A community’s values are an important consideration in shaping its aspirations, focus and actions.
As a community we value:
- Spacious and Rural Lifestyle. El Mirage residents value the rural lifestyle their community offers, with affordability and the opportunity to maintain livestock and agriculture.
- Community Pride. El Mirage residents value the events and activities that foster community pride and speak to the previous parades and fairs that used to take place in the community.
The community profile is a summary of the social, cultural, economic, and historic dimensions of the community. It is a gathering of objective data collected through secondary sources meant to inform and help facilitate discussion during the community meetings. The profile, together with future studies and information gathered from residents through the community meetings, will highlight essential facets and “tell the story” of the El Mirage Community.
The Action Plans consists of:
Focus Statements, which provide general direction towards realizing the Community’s aspirations and help organize the plan. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Statements, which are measurable statements providing critical information on the program, initiative or project to complete. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Plan Matrices, which provide general sets of action steps necessary to implement each action statement, identify those that would initiate and champion the action statement, provide a general timeline for implementation and identify resources for additional assistance. (Created to support and guide the Community’s identified Focus and Action Statements)
Expand each Focus Statement to see related Action Statements and download the Action Plan Matrices.
Action Statements -
Establish an educational program to educate community members on private-property lighting that is dark skies compliant.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Collaborate with San Bernardino County to take advantage of the future planned High Desert Corridor to capitalize on development opportunities presented from increased access to El Mirage.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Advocate to the County Board of Supervisors to ensure the MAC board is representative of the all of El Mirage.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Develop a volunteer drive to increase the number of residents that are involved in the planning and operation of local community events.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Develop a working relationship with San Bernardino County Special Districts to improve the effectiveness of County Service Area 70.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Develop a contact list of community volunteers including contact information and what activities and organizations they are involved in to help with finding local expertise within the community.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Develop and host community events and activities, such as movies in the park and fun activities for youth, to improve the recreational and cultural offerings within the community.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Coordinate with the MAC to provide for activities for youth during MAC meetings or provide for an additional meeting to coordinate with area youth on activities and issues that they face.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Coordinate with the fire department on community events.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Encourage residents to replace mail boxes for security and beautification.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Collaborate with San Bernardino County EDA, USDA Rural Development, San Bernardino County Land Use Services and local non-profits to identify funding source opportunities for community development, funding events and activities and improving the quality of life for residents.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Download the Community Action Guide
Download the Community Action Guide in PDF format.