Community Action Guide
In 2016, the County embarked on a planning process to update the fourteen existing Community Plans and create over 30 new plans for approximately 80 unincorporated communities. The strategic system of community planning is called the Community Planning Continuum with a continuum of plan-types to provide planning tools and resources to match local conditions and needs. The plan-types are Detailed, Framework, Foundation and Fundamental.
Trona Communities are a Fundamental community.
Our Community
Learn about who we are, our values, and more.
Go to Our Community -
Our Aspirations
Learn about our aspirations for the future of the community.
Go to Our Aspirations -
Action Plans
See the actions we'd like to take to realize our aspirations.
Go to Action Guide
Who We Are
The Trona Communities (Trona, Searles Valley, Argus and Pioneer Point) are remote desert communities located in the Greater Mojave Desert on the northwest boarder of the San Bernardino County and Inyo County line. Trona is named after the Trona mineral, or sodium carbonate (washing soda), that is in abundance in the dry lake bed. The communities were originally established as a company town in 1913. Trona communities value their rich mineral deposits, mining heritage, interesting landscape, and strong sense of community. The communities are focused on improving the quality of life for residents, improving the infrastructure, and increasing tourism to the area.
An online survey was available for five months in early 2018. The survey requested information about communities including Values, Aspirations, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, local organizations and local history. 82 surveys were completed by residents of the Trona Communities. The survey information was reviewed to create the Community Action Plan. The Community Action Guides are a framework of actions identified by the community and supports implementation of the actions by the community. The information in this Community Action Guide is from general research and the survey responses.
As part of the survey, participants defined the strengths of and opportunities for their community using a SWOT Analysis (Strenghts Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). The word cloud below was created using the input on the Strengths, Opportunities, Values and Aspirations questions. The word cloud quickly identifies key issues and focus areas for the communities. The more a word or phrase was articulated, the larger the word appears in the cloud.
The Values are those shared assets, principles, standards, mores, and in the judgement of the community, what is important in the lives of its residents and businesses. A community’s values are an important consideration in shaping its aspirations, focus and actions.
As a community we value:
- Strong Community Ties: Trona Communities value their hard working, kind neighbors, and the strong sense of community pride that contributes to the feeling of a close knit community.
- Mining Heritage: Trona Communities value the deep historic mining roots that has helped shaped the community that they call home.
- Peaceful Desert Landscape: Trona Communities value the quiet, open desert landscape and dark night skies.
The community profile is a summary of the social, cultural, economic and historic dimensions of the community. It is a gathering of objective data collected through secondary sources. The profile, with information gathered from general sources, highlights essential facets and “tell the story” of the Trona communities of Trona, Searles Valley, Argus, and Pioneer Point.
The Aspirations Statement is a written narrative illustrating how the community desired look and function once the Community Focus Statements and Action Statements are accomplished. This is a long term view of 10 to 20 years. The Aspirations Statement serves as a foundation for developing Community Focus Statements and Action Statements.
As a community, Trona Communities work together to improve the overall safety of residents. A neighborhood watch program and street lights are installed to decrease the vandalism and help residents feel safe. Regular community clean-up events are held to clean up litter from illegal dumping. The numerous abandoned homes are cleaned up or rehabilitated and roads are maintained.
To improve the lives of our residents in the Trona Communities, medical facilities are provided to all residents. More job opportunities allow for more residents to enter the work force. A community park with a playground offers more family oriented recreation. Youth programs and community events are created to give the residents of all ages more things to do. Public transportation as well as the existing bike path is improved to allow better mobility for residents. The Trona Communities have a strong tourism economy, attracting rock hounds as well as visitors from Death Valley. This spurs growth in the town requiring more businesses and a hotel for visitors.
The Action Plans consists of:
Focus Statements, which provide general direction towards realizing the Community’s aspirations and help organize the plan. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Statements, which are measurable statements providing critical information on the program, initiative or project to complete. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Plan Matrices, which provide general sets of action steps necessary to implement each action statement, identify those that would initiate and champion the action statement, provide a general timeline for implementation and identify resources for additional assistance. (Created to support and guide the Community’s identified Focus and Action Statements)
Expand each Focus Statement to see related Action Statements and download the Action Plan Matrices.
Action Statements -
Collaborate with County Code Enforcement to address illegal dumping and sub-standard housing.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Create a community cleanup program in collaboration with community organizations holding two events per year.
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Collaborate with County Public Health Department to provide healthcare services for the residents.
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Advocate to the County Public Works Department for road maintenance on County-maintained roads.
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Improve public transportation in the community.
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Create a community park that is fun for all ages.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Work with local stakeholders to establish training programs for adults and youth.
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Advocate to the County Economic Development Agency to help attract local businesses to the area.
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Work with local businesses to market and attract more tourism.
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Action Statements -
Meet with County Sheriff to discuss safety issues.
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Create a Neighborhood Watch Program.
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Discuss addition of Street Lights through a Special District.
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Meet with County Code Enforcement to rehabilitate substandard housing.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Download the Community Action Guide
Download the Community Action Guide in PDF format.