Oak Glen
Community Action Guide
In 2016, the community embarked on a planning process to develop a new community plan. Three public workshops were held over the course of the year (March 2 and 30 and July 20). These workshops, open to any Oak Glen resident, business or property owner, addressed strengths and weaknesses of the community, the community’s values, and what Oak Glen aspires to be in the future. Plan participants brainstormed areas of focus and actions to help Oak Glen move forward to achieve its aspirations.
This Community Action Guide is a framework of actions identified by the community and supports implementation of the actions by the community. The goals and policies from the previous Community Plan were used to inform the guide and the Policy Plan portion of the Countywide Plan.
Our Community
Learn about who we are, our values, and more.
Go to Our Community -
Our Aspirations
Learn about our aspirations for the future of the community.
Go to Our Aspirations -
Action Plans
See the actions we'd like to take to realize our aspirations.
Go to Action Guide
Who We Are
Oak Glen is a historic agricultural community nestled in the San Bernardino Mountains. With families who have lived in Oak Glen for generations, the community is very family oriented and focused on preserving their unique way of life, including apple farming and related agritourism. Oak Glen values the natural resources, agricultural traditions, and close-knit family values that make the community a special place. Oak Glen strives to promote responsible use and development of the land in the community by sharing their agricultural practices and traditions with visitors throughout the region. Concerned with keeping the community rural, residents and businesses seek to balance their way of life with the pressures of agritourism and the preservation of a rural mountain lifestyle.
Community workshops were conducted in each community as part of the engagement process. In addition, input was gathered through the Countywide Plan website. As part of the process, participants defined the strengths of and opportunities for their community. The word cloud below was created using the input provided during the Strengths, Opportunities, Values and Aspirations exercises and served as part of the base information utilized to develop the Focus and Action Statements of the Community Action Guide. The word cloud quickly informed May 2019 participants of key issues and focus areas that could be addressed in the guide. The more a word or phrase was articulated, the larger the word appears in the cloud. The full results of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats gathered as a part of the engagement process is found in the Community Profile.
The Values are those shared assets, principles, standards, mores, and in the judgement of the community, what is important in the lives of its residents and businesses. A community’s values are an important consideration in shaping its aspirations, focus and actions.
As a community we value:
- Agricultural Roots. Oak Glen residents value the agricultural history, culture, and traditions that help define the community.
- Rural Lifestyle. Oak Glen residents value the community’s rural lifestyle and agricultural roots.
- Agritourism. Oak Glen residents value the apple growing history and culture, and the benefits of the local agritourism industry.
- Community Spirit. Oak Glen residents value a strong complementary sense of community, family, and neighborly attitude to help one another.
- Recreational Opportunities. Oak Glen residents value the natural beauty, clean air, and recreational opportunities of the community’s mountain setting.
- Resiliency. Oak Glen residents value community safety and resilience against natural hazards.
- Local Businesses. Oak Glen residents value the locally owned business culture and the local businesses that help define the community.
The community profile is a summary of the social, cultural, economic, and historic dimensions of Oak Glen. It presents data collected through secondary sources to inform future actions. The profile, together with future studies and information gathered from residents, highlights essential facets and “tells the story” of the Oak Glen Community.
The Aspirations Statement is a written narrative illustrating how the community desired look and function once the Community Focus Statements and Action Statements are accomplished. This is a long term view of 10 to 20 years. The Aspirations Statement serves as a foundation for developing Community Focus Statements and Action Statements.
Because of Oak Glen’s beautiful natural setting and unique position as one of the most well-known apple producing areas in California, agriculture-based tourism continues to expand with enhanced marketing. Local producers create educational programs to share their knowledge with visitors and schools in the area. The agricultural heritage and success of the local apple orchards fuel economic growth around the industry, with restaurants and small locally owned shops focused on tourism.
Through fundraising and volunteer efforts by local community groups, residents expand historic resources throughout the community including on private farms, businesses and at the Historic Oak Glen Schoolhouse Museum. The exhibits ensure that each new generation learns about the history of Oak Glen and why the community looks and functions the way it does. A new program of community events, sponsored primarily by local businesses, is successful in creating a sense of pride in the community’s historical roots.
Through the efforts of the community the scenic beauty of Oak Glen is enhanced by the addition of a historic corridor along Oak Glen Road focused on preserving notable historic landmarks and improved fencing and signage to reflect its pioneers era. In addition, community efforts direct the continued protection and additional planting of orchards and native trees and vegetation.
The Action Plans consists of:
Focus Statements, which provide general direction towards realizing the Community’s aspirations and help organize the plan. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Statements, which are measurable statements providing critical information on the program, initiative or project to complete. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Plan Matrices, which provide general sets of action steps necessary to implement each action statement, identify those that would initiate and champion the action statement, provide a general timeline for implementation and identify resources for additional assistance. (Created to support and guide the Community’s identified Focus and Action Statements)
Expand each Focus Statement to see related Action Statements and download the Action Plan Matrices.
Action Statements -
Encourage County identification and designation of important agricultural resources and collaborate to preserve these resources as historic landmarks. Consider establishing an Oak Glen Historic District.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Encourage traditional design and landscaping standards to fit the community’s agricultural and historic Americana-style identity to fit in with existing historic buildings and incorporate into County building standards.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Encourage existing and future agricultural production to support and expand the concept of a living historic museum that educates visitors about historic agricultural practices used within the community.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Advocate and collaborate with the County to identify public safety concerns and areas along Oak Glen Road that reduce vehicular and pedestrian issues for local residents and visitors.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Advocate for and seek funding to complete a safety plan or mobility plan for Oak Glen Road throughout the community and not just in the village area (e.g., additional travel/turn lanes, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and adequate parking spaces to meet peak demand, etc.).
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Advocate for and seek funding to construct traffic calming improvements that increase safety for pedestrians and visitors along Oak Glen Road with priority given to the busiest sections.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Establish a community-based education program for landscaping and vegetation maintenance and management.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Identify scenic vistas in the community that should be protected and enhanced, and develop educational kiosks to share key information about these resources with tourists to the area.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Enhance existing and permit new recreational facilities such as lodging, organized camps and campgrounds to support continual use year round.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Enhance hospitality uses that allow overnight accommodations by promoting short-term rental opportunities and educating B&B and short-term rental owners on county regulations.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Advocate and collaborate with the County to develop community based standards for wedding venue priority areas and requirements to alleviate nuisance issues.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Download the Community Action Guide
Download the Community Action Guide in PDF format.