Mt Baldy
Community Action Guide
In 2016, the community embarked on a planning process to develop a new community plan. Two public workshops were held on September 13 and November 14, 2016. These workshops, open to any Mt Baldy resident, business, or property owner addressed strengths and weaknesses of the community, the community’s values, and what Mt Baldy aspires to be in the future. Workshop participants brainstormed areas of focus and actions to help the community move forward to achieve its aspirations.
This Community Action Guide is a framework of actions identified by the community and supports implementation of the actions by the community.
Our Community
Learn about who we are, our values, and more.
Go to Our Community -
Our Aspirations
Learn about our aspirations for the future of the community.
Go to Our Aspirations -
Action Plans
See the actions we'd like to take to realize our aspirations.
Go to Action Guide
Mt Baldy is an alpine community located in both San Bernardino and Los Angeles County with homes and businesses situated along narrow, winding roadways in the Angeles National Forest. While tourists visit the area to get away from urban areas below, full and part-time residents live in the remote area to appreciate the clear mountain air. Mt Baldy residents value strong community bonds, local self-reliance, nature in all its variety, and the history and character of their village. While the community is proud of its strengths, it aims to address its weaknesses. Residents strive to enhance emergency communications, reduce roadway congestion, improve recreational trail experiences, and preserve their cherished community character.
Community workshops were conducted in each community as part of the engagement process. In addition, input was gathered through the Countywide Plan website. As part of the process, participants defined the strengths of and opportunities for their community. The word cloud was created using the input provided during the Strengths, Opportunities, Values and Aspirations exercises and served as part of the base information utilized to develop the Focus and Action Statements of the Community Action Guide. The word cloud quickly informed participants of key issues and focus areas that could be addressed in the guide. The more a word or phrase was articulated, the larger the word appears in the cloud. The full results of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats gathered as a part of the engagement process is found in the Community Profile.
The Values are those shared assets, principles, standards, mores, and in the judgment of the community, what is important in the lives of its residents and businesses. A community’s values are an important consideration in shaping its aspirations, focus and actions.
As a community we value:- Strong and engaged community. Mt Baldy residents value their close knit community bonds forged through physical assets such as school and church as well as social ties of town hall and other grass roots events.
- Natural beauty of the alpine forest. Mt Baldy residents value all aspects of nature, including the forest and its riparian habitats, which contribute to clean air and refreshing environment that are accessible and enjoyed by locals and visitors.
- Local expertise and self-reliance. Mt Baldy residents value the ability to care for themselves and one another and demonstrate local self-reliance through volunteer run or supported organizations including the Mt Baldy Volunteer Fire Department and the Snowcrest Heights Improvements Association (SHIA).
- Small residential village. Mt Baldy residents value living in a predominantly residential community with unique character, historical integrity, and a distinctive aesthetic.
The Community Profile is a summary of the social, cultural, economic and historic dimensions of the community. It is a gathering of objective data collected through secondary sources meant to inform and help facilitate discussion during the community meetings. Aggregated data from each community created the information below. The profile, together with future studies and information gathered from residents through the community meetings, will highlight essential facets and “tell the story” of Mt Baldy.
The Aspirations Statement is a written narrative illustrating how the community desired look and function once the Community Focus Statements and Action Statements are accomplished. This is a long term view of 10 to 20 years. The Aspirations Statement serves as a foundation for developing Community Focus Statements and Action Statements
In an effort to improve public safety, residents have worked with County, State, and Federal agencies and telecommunications companies to improve law enforcement, emergency services and cellular coverage. As a result, community members appreciate coordinated law enforcement and emergency services from San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties. They benefit from quality controlled databases used by 911 operators and reliable internet service and cellular service.
Mt Baldy volunteers partnered with local, state, and federal agencies to reduce traffic congestion and enhance safety of paved roads, unpaved roads, and recreational trails. Their efforts focused on traffic congestion, vehicular speed, egress during emergencies, provision of facilities for motorized and non-motorized users, wayfinding signage and education to help locals and visitors avoid becoming lost while using recreational trails.
Inspired by Mt Baldy’s history from its original Native American inhabitants to its emergence as a getaway destination for Hollywood celebrities in the 1920s and 30s, the Mt Baldy Community Association has completed the Mt Baldy Museum & Dorothy Wisely History Center. The small town offers vernacular charm as a result of community members who have collaborated on community design and signage guidelines.
The Action Plans consists of:
Focus Statements, which provide general direction towards realizing the Community’s aspirations and help organize the plan. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Statements, which are measurable statements providing critical information on the program, initiative or project to complete. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Plan Matrices, which provide general sets of action steps necessary to implement each action statement, identify those that would initiate and champion the action statement, provide a general timeline for implementation and identify resources for additional assistance. (Created to support and guide the Community’s identified Focus and Action Statements)
Expand each Focus Statement to see related Action Statements and download the Action Plan Matrices.
Action Statements -
Promote volunteering in the Sheriff Department’s Citizens on Patrol program to improve overall eyes on the community.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Discourage graffiti and dumping through educational signage and education pamphlets to local residents educating residents about San Bernardino County Code Enforcement’s illegal dumping program and response.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Advocate with the United States Forest Service (USFS) to require permits for use of high volume trails.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Collaborate with the USFS to design and construct wayfinding signage to guide locals and visitors on recreational trails.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Collaborate with the USFS and the County of San Bernardino to design and construct a sign plan intended to educate users about feeding animals and hunting in legal areas.
Action Statements -
Coordinate with County Supervisor to learn about implementation of the Mt Baldy Community Action Guide and ways for community members to participate.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Consult with County Supervisor about formation of a Municipal Advisory Committee to strengthen the roles of community members in Community Action Guide implementation.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Form committee to examine local opinions about construction of an additional antenna or other cellular infrastructure to improve cellular service, and if consensus is reached in favor of improved services, consult with San Bernardino County Economic Development Agency to identify best approach to attract such private investment.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Coordinate with San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, the Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE) to identify appropriate locations for call boxes along Mt Baldy Road and, if viable locations exist, plan for installation.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Convene residents and representatives of Los Angeles and San Bernardino County to learn, share concerns, and discuss opportunities to improve services through a possible Memorandum of Understanding between Los Angeles County and San Bernardino County and addressing the emergency road network, coordination of police response, and coordination of emergency operations.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Work with the San Bernardino County Fire Department Office of Emergency Services to learn about the existing 9-1-1 system, share evidence of address/phone number errors, and discuss methods to correct and maintain the 9-1-1 system database.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Host a property owners meeting, with representatives from San Bernardino County Land Use Services, to discuss local aesthetic qualities including architectural styles, building materials, and paint colors and consider regulation through formation of a Homeowners Association with covenants, codes, and restrictions or adoption of development standards.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Inventory, and work with property owners, to preserve community landmarks and buildings.
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Work with San Bernardino County Land Use Services to develop a program to promote business sign design guidelines that reflect the community’s desired aesthetic or regulates business signage through design standards that address sign types, placement, lighting, materials, colors, and historic or landmark signage.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Complete construction of improvements to the Dorothy Wiselay Museum.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Construct a gateway sign welcoming visitors to Mt Baldy.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Meet with City of Glendora, County of Los Angeles County, California Highway Patrol, and the United States Forest Service (USFS) to discuss conditions of Glendora Ridge Road and Glendora Mountain Road to consider how and when to close the roadways during adverse conditions or to permanently close the road for exclusive use by non-motorized pedestrian and bicycle users.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Coordinate with San Bernardino County Public Works on traffic calming options in the village.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Coordinate with San Bernardino County Sheriff and Public Works to study speed of traffic and street racing on Mt Baldy road and work with them to implement strategies to reduce travel speeds using signs and/or other methods where warranted.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Work with San Bernardino County Public Works to identify areas for delineated on-street parking on roadways to improve safety.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Meet with the local United States Forest Service (USFS) District Ranger’s office to consider allowing members of the public to use USFS System Roads for evacuation purposes.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Download the Community Action Guide
Download the Community Action Guide in PDF format.