Oro Grande
Community Action Guide
In 2016, the community embarked on a planning process to develop a community plan. Two public workshops were held on November 29, 2016 and January 24, 2017. These workshops, open to any Oro Grande resident, business, or property owner addressed strengths and weaknesses of the community, the community’s values, and what Oro Grande aspires to be in the future. Workshop participants brainstormed areas of focus and actions to help the community move forward to achieve its aspirations. This Community Action Guide is a framework of actions identified by the community and supports implementation of the actions by the community.
Our Community
Learn about who we are, our values, and more.
Go to Our Community -
Our Aspirations
Learn about our aspirations for the future of the community.
Go to Our Aspirations -
Action Plans
See the actions we'd like to take to realize our aspirations.
Go to Action Guide
Who We Are
Oro Grande values a small-town feel in the community. This is formed by the local amenities such as the post office, schools, and antique shops. Residents recognize the importance of their historical connection to Route 66 and have a desire to share the roots of Oro Grande’s founding and history. The community also desires to find a beneficial use for some of the existing historic buildings along Route 66, potentially adding businesses to improve the local economy through increased tourism.
Community workshops were conducted in each community as part of the engagement process. In addition, input was gathered through the Countywide Plan website. As part of the process, participants defined the strengths of and opportunities for their community. The word cloud below was created using the input provided during the Strengths, Opportunities, Values and Aspirations exercises and served as part of the base information utilized to develop the Focus and Action Statements of the Community Action Plan. The word cloud quickly informed participants of key issues and focus areas that could be addressed in the guide. The more a word or phrase was articulated, the larger the word appears in the cloud. The full results of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats gathered as a part of the engagement process is found in the Community Profile located in the Appendix.
The Values are those shared assets, principles, standards, mores, and in the judgment of the community, what is important in the lives of its residents and businesses. A community’s values are an important consideration in shaping its aspirations, focus and actions.
As a community we value:
- Small Town Pride. Oro Grande residents value the small-town feel of their community, with local amenities like the post office and schools serving residents, and antique shops and businesses that serve tourists along Route 66.
- Pride in Route 66. Oro Grande residents value Route 66’s historic significance and the businesses and monuments that share the roots of Oro Grande’s founding and history.
- Family-focused Community. Oro Grande residents value the community’s family-centric dynamic, where children can feel safe to be outside and are supported by local schools.
- Clean Air and Water. Oro Grande residents value having safe drinking water and clean air, free from dust, to ensure a healthy environment for all Oro Grande families and residents.
The community profile is a summary of the social, cultural, economic, and historic dimensions of the community. It is a gathering of objective data collected through secondary sources meant to inform and help facilitate discussion during the community meetings. The profile, together with future studies and information gathered from residents through the community meetings, will highlight essential facets and “tell the story” of the Oro Grande Community.
The Aspirations Statement is a written narrative illustrating how the community desired look and function once the Community Focus Statements and Action Statements are accomplished. This is a long term view of 10 to 20 years. The Aspirations Statement serves as a foundation for developing Community Focus Statements and Action Statements.
As a community, we have fostered community pride through celebrating the history of the community along Route 66 and beautifying the community. Roads are repaired and maintained for both pedestrians and vehicles. Homes are beautified with flowers, gardens, and fresh paint. The park and community center are maintained and have monthly events for community members. Local businesses are thriving and supported by residents and tourists alike.
Oro Grande residents have established community clean-up events and activities to maintain a beautiful and clean community. Homes and local businesses are well-maintained, with landscaping representing the desert community. Our cleanup committee has successfully improved the overall cleanliness of Oro Grande through code violation education and volunteer cleanup days.
We have grown into a community where residents are free from environmental health concerns. Residents have worked with local industries to reduce air and water pollution. We have communicated with the County about water quality concerns and enjoy clean and safe drinking water and fair water rates. Dust and air quality are mitigated and residents breathe cleaner air. Pedestrians and cyclists can walk and ride safely throughout the community, with improved pedestrian access across the railroad tracks.
The Action Plans consists of:
Focus Statements, which provide general direction towards realizing the Community’s aspirations and help organize the plan. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Statements, which are measurable statements providing critical information on the program, initiative or project to complete. (Identified in Workshop #2 and reviewed and finalized in Workshop #3)
Action Plan Matrices, which provide general sets of action steps necessary to implement each action statement, identify those that would initiate and champion the action statement, provide a general timeline for implementation and identify resources for additional assistance. (Created to support and guide the Community’s identified Focus and Action Statements)
Expand each Focus Statement to see related Action Statements and download the Action Plan Matrices.
Action Statements -
Advocate to the County and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF) to work toward identifying a location and constructing a safe pedestrian railroad crossing to connect the community.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Collaborate with Community Service Area (CSA 42) and Special Districts to install additional lighting on National Trails Highway through Oro Grande.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Coordinate with the Oro Grande School District to add crossing guards at State Street and Olive Street and 3rd Street.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Coordinate with the school district to develop a parking plan and utilize existing parking lots to help address traffic flow and safety.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Advocate to the County Public Works Department to lower the speed limit on National Trails Highway between Polish Lane and Walton Drive.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Advocate to the County Public Works Department to install signage and or road markings for speed reduction at the entrance to Oro Grande on National Trails Highway at Walton Drive.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Collaborate with businesses and advocate to the (County Public Works Department) to study and install on-street parking between Antique Station and Oro Grande Market on National Trails Highway.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Collaborate with the Sheriff’s Department to conduct “Coffee with a Cop” to improve communications and address local concerns.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Establish a neighborhood watch group and promote membership in the Sheriff Department’s Citizens on Patrol program.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Collaborate with the Sheriff’s Department and the San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership to provide services to those experiencing homelessness in Oro Grande.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Collaborate with the San Bernardino Fire Department to conduct fire safety education programs for the community.
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Advocate to the County Department of Public Health to schedule the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center Mobile Medical Clinic for regular stops in Oro Grande.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Establish a MAC to represent the Oro Grande community.
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Advocate with our County Supervisor to conduct a study on water supply, quality, cost, and transparency and provide recommendations for further action.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Action Statements -
Coordinate events and activities that allow people to meet and know their neighbors.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Collaborate with CSA 42 and County Solid Waste Management to schedule large item/bulk pick-up.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Encourage revitalization of vacant buildings in commercial areas of the community.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix -
Develop a volunteer community clean-up committee to conduct vacant lot clean-up events.
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Reduce visual blight and improve property maintenance by providing a code enforcement education program aimed at property owners and tenants.
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Construct a welcome sign in the Oro Grande community in coordination with the Mohave Historical Society.
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Collaborate with CSA 42 and Special Districts to provide improvements to the ball field and community center.
>>Download PDF Action Matrix
Download the Community Action Guide
Download the Community Action Guide in PDF format.